Councils possess significant influence over a third of UK emissions in their areas. However, with limited funding and resources we know it can be hard to know what exactly can be done. Find out below the resources we have available for councils to deliver the necessary climate action.

Councillor Graphic


As a Councillor or council staff, these are the pages on our website that are likely to be most useful to you.

Find out about the latest Action Scorecards marking process, and check out our tools available to you to understand what other councils’ are doing on climate action, including the Action Scorecards, our data packages and our Climate Action Plan Checklist. 

Find out more about our Local Climate Academy, a free, 6 week training course to equip you with the knowledge, tools and skills to support you tackle the climate and ecological crisis within your council. 

Check out what training is coming up for councillors and council staff, and let us know if you would like us to run an event near you. 

We offer a paid consultancy service to improve a local authority’s climate action plan, strategy and action.


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