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ZCL-CR is a Community Benefit Society regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
Founded in July 2014 as Liverpool Community Renewables Limited with a specific focus on developing renewable energy projects.

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ZCL-CR is a Community Benefit Society regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
Founded in July 2014 as Liverpool Community Renewables Limited with a specific focus on developing renewable energy projects.

In 2020 we changed the name and updated the objects and the rules of the Society to reflect this.

The Objects of the Society shall be to carry on any business for the benefit of the community by;
(a) developing and delivering a range of place-based projects that seek to reduce carbon emissions and resource consumption in line with the Paris Agreement or subsequent global agreements, addressing the climate emergency and maximising the co-benefits associated with those activities;

(b) increasing awareness by disseminating knowledge and information about the climate emergency and local responses to it, to the public as a whole A community benefit society is like a co-op, owned and run by its members, but unlike a co-op it can trade for the benefit of the wider community.
We are a not-for-profit and any surplus that is made is re-invested back into the Society to further its aims. Our rules contain an asset lock. There are currently three directors, we are the members of the Society.;

If you want anymore information about the society go to the mutuals portal and put Zero Carbon Liverpool City Region in the searchbar, all our accounts and annual returns going back to 2014 can be accessed there.


Zero Carbon Liverpool City Region Ltd (ZCL-CR) is a not-for-profit social enterprise. Our goal is to play a leading role in ensuring Liverpool City Region reduces its carbon and Green House Gas (GHGs) emissions in line with the Paris Agreement commitments by 2030 and reaches net-zero by 2040. We will do this in three ways;

• Through education, engagement, training and awareness-raising with all sectors, organisations and people across Liverpool City Region.
• Coordinating with other organisations, groups and stakeholders who are already active on climate and social justice.
• Developing and delivering projects that have carbon emissions reduction as their primary focus.

ZCL-CR is building a collaborative partnership between the third sector, academia, local government, trade unions, cultural sector and business. We will bridge the gap between the strategic plans and grassroots action.

We will be a strong, independent voice for climate action in the city region and a critical friend of the local authorities and strategic bodies which are developing and implementing climate action plans and strategies.

Our actions will always be grounded in the most up-to date climate science and scientifically robust carbon budgets.
Our approach is a place-based response to the challenge of the zero-carbon transition. Rooted in neighbourhoods and working with the diverse communities who live in them will enable local democratic control of that transition in a way that captures as many co-benefits within the locality for its citizens as possible.
This approach blends community development and community wealth building as a response to the climate emergency. We will bring best practice examples of place based and municipal responses to the climate emergency from around the UK, Europe and the world, and work with citizens, local community groups, third sector, trade unions, academia and local authority partners to adapt and implement them within the city region, as pilots and at scale.