Posts by Ryan Parker
Current status of Highways England’s planned Borehole Drilling on Rimrose Valley
We have learned that Highways England expects the Geotechnical work, which includes the drilling of Boreholes, to take place in the new year, but they cannot be any more specific on dates. The reason they give for not knowing is that the tender inviting quotations to carry out the work is still in progress. Only…
Read MoreFAQ Document now published
We’re putting together a Frequently Asked Questions document for publication. We will then refine and add to it over time. It’s in the early stages, but you can click here to read it in its current form. What you can do now: Sign our petition Sign up as a Rimrose Valley Friend…
Read MorePublic Activities
The RAG team is exploring all options for public activities and has a very long list. The following will be worked on as quickly as possible: Hands Across the Valley We’re just about to start working on this. It will take a significant amount of work to organise, but the plan is to create a spectacle in…
Read MoreUpdate on Sefton Council and our Elected Representatives
A group of representatives from Rimrose Valley Friends met with some of our local councillors and Peter Dowd MP on 21st October. Also present at the meeting was The Campaign for the Protection of Rural England, The Campaign for Better Transport and the Lancashire Wildlife Trust. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a common strategy, to…
Read MoreOur Push to apply National Political Pressure
Whatever else may be done to challenge the Highways England decision, we’re clear that if the desire in Westminster remains to build the road then it will happen, no matter what we do. The system has been set up this way, where the local people and politicians are powerless to directly do anything about it. …
Read MoreThe Campaign for Better Transport
Campaign for Better Transport, the national organisation with years of experience opposing new road developments, has spent time with the Road Action Group and shared learnings and past successes, whilst reviewing and guiding us on our strategic approach. The key advice given was to make sure we avoid getting ourselves caught up in technical, planning, and legal details. There are…
Read MoreBBC Radio Merseyside Interview
Si Smith from Rimrose Valley Friends has been interviewed this afternoon by Paul Salt on BBC Radio Merseyside’s Drive Time show, in light of Sefton Council’s announcement yesterday to call for a judicial review to take Highways England back to the drawing board. The recording can be listened to by clicking here Thank you
Read MorePublic Statement in support of our cause has been issued by Sefton Council
Sefton Council has today issued a public statement, stating their position on the threat of the dual carriageway through Rimrose Valley, as follows: Leader of Sefton Council Cllr Ian Maher, said: “We know that our communities have felt absolutely devastated since the announcement in August by Highways England that their preferred option is to build…
Read MoreUPDATE: Donate £10 to Rimrose Valley Friends and it’ll get doubled to £20 for us!
// // This is amazing! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! Since we asked on Monday 16th October for people to donate any amount up to £10 towards protecting Rimrose Valley, with each donation being doubled by Local Giving: We’ve had £878 as one off donations from 43 people (including gift aid and the funds…
Read MoreDonate £10 to Rimrose Valley Friends and it’ll get doubled to £20 for us!
// // Please will you consider making a donation to Rimrose Valley Friends? We’re in need of funds to keep going, and in particular for our campaign to fight the road threat through Rimrose Valley. There’s never been a better time to donate because from 10am on Tuesday October 17th 2017 Local Giving will match all…
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