Posts by Ryan Parker
First Scrub Clearance Volunteer Day is heralded a Great Success!
10th January 2016 was a lovely, sunny, cloudless and crisp winter Sunday. It was also the day of the first Scrub Clearance – a joint venture between Sefton Council’s Coast & Countryside Team and Rimrose Valley Friends. The objective of our Scrub Clearances is to look after Rimrose Valley, to maintain it’s beauty and habitat. To do so requires ongoing maintenance…
Read MorePetition and Survey volunteers needed!
With nearly 4000 signatures on our online petition to get Sefton Council to designate Rimrose Valley as an essential Local Green Space for its future protection; and with well over 100 online surveys also completed online to further help with our evidence for our application; we’re well on the way to being able to show Sefton Council…
Read MoreURGENT: Sign our Petition to Give Rimrose Valley “Local Green Space” Special Protection
Rimrose Valley Country Park has been of special importance to the local communities of Bootle, Litherland, Ford, Netherton, Thornton, Crosby and Waterloo for hundreds of years, and now our cherished green space is more important to us than ever before with the threat of increased traffic, air and noise pollution generated by the Peel Ports docks expansion. We need to apply to…
Read MoreSupport Cooksons Bridge Pub – our pub on Rimrose Valley
Please sign here to show your support for Cooksons Bridge Pub (Cookies), and please read on for more information as to why this is relevant to Rimrose Valley and why we feel it’s important that you support it. Cookies is the pub of Rimrose Valley. Up at the Gorsey Lane end, it sits alongside the…
Read MoreRimrose Valley Video Library Launches Today!
We’re delighted to announce that today we launch the Rimrose Valley Videos page on our website. Access it by clicking on the Galleries option in the menu, then selecting Videos. The first video up is our recent Canal History Walk, led by Rimrose Valley Friends volunteer Les Dundon. Thank you Les for a highly informative…
Read MoreWildlife Volunteers Needed!
Casual Observations or hands on volunteering roles to be filled We’re looking for wildlife volunteers according to experience. Please can you read about what we’re looking for below and see if you can help us? Casual Observations As a user of Rimrose Valley, you are witness to a wide range of wildlife on a regular…
Read MoreHighways England release ‘Port of Liverpool Access’ Newsletter
We have been working hard to maintain clear and open communications between us all, Highways England and their subcontractors during their road feasibility surveys on Rimrose Valley. We’re pleased to report that Highways England has decided to launch a newsletter to further clarify the situation and to keep the public informed directly. They’ve told us that several newsletters will be released…
Read MoreRoad Feasibility Update – Sampling / survey work completes for now. What next?
As most of us will be well aware, over the last 3 weeks since 21/09/15 there’s been a lot of activity on Rimrose Valley by the Geotechnical consultants and engineers working on behalf of Highways England. They’ve been carrying out early studies into the feasibility of an option of a road through Rimrose Valley. We’ve seen Ground Sampling…
Read MoreHighways England statement on this week’s CCTV/usage Survey in Rimrose Valley
Today we received a statement from Highways England in response to our inquiry yesterday about the sudden appearance of temporary CCTV units this week at various entry points in Rimrose Valley. Their response explains that: The survey was undertaken on just one day – Monday 28th September between 7am and 7pm The units are being…
Read MoreRimrose Valley Nature Activity Update
We’re mindful that Rimrose Valley exists for the benefit the local biodiversity as well as the people who use our beautiful Park. We thought it would be useful to publish a quick update of some of our current activities to keep a watchful eye over the natural residents of Rimrose Valley: Bat surveys will be carried out by…
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