Posts by Ryan Parker
Press Release: Our response to latest Highways England Newsletter
Latest Highways England Newsletter is simply more propaganda from the Government Agency Highways England’s latest newsletter details their intention to press ahead with their preferred consultation Option B – a bypass through Rimrose Valley. It confirms that exploratory work is imminent, which we know includes the drilling of boreholes across the parkland, despite the Judicial…
Read MoreOur Plans to Protest
As the time for demonstrations draws closer, we wanted to share some more details about this with you, prior to Highways England commencing their exploratory work on Rimrose Valley. Objectives Rimrose Valley Friends will be holding peaceful and legal protests against the road to draw attention to the destruction of a much-loved space. We hope to…
Read MoreTransport for the North Survey: A chance for YOU to have YOUR say
Last Wednesday, we attended a presentation by Transport for the North (TfN) at Liverpool University’s Foresight Centre. It was about their 30-year vision for transport investment across the North of England. This is important because TfN is an influential partnership of civic and business leaders from across the North. It will be able to influence…
Read MoreThoughts and reactions from our meeting with Highways England
As you may know by now, representatives from Rimrose Valley Friends met with Tim Gamon and Carl Stockton from Highways England on 26th February. No set agenda, but we certainly wanted a discussion about their plans, the Judicial Review, their environmental commitments, their concerns for public health, their reason for ignoring public opinion, whether alternative…
Read MoreFriends of the Earth’s Objection to Highways England Consultation
Whilst the Judicial Review into Highways England’s decision to rule out a tunnel option during their consultation process is underway, we wanted to reflect on this and to share this document with you. It is Friends of the Earth’s objection to the options presented in their consultation process, sent to Highways England on 27th February, 2017……
Read MoreA small, but significant step in the right direction – We will continue to fight for better options for ALL residents of South Sefton
Further to the announcement on Friday, 16th February that Sefton Council’s application to apply for a Judicial Review has been granted, we wanted to take the opportunity to comment on this and to clarify where we currently stand, both as a campaign and as a charity. Rimrose Valley Friends supports the decision to grant a Judicial…
Read MoreUnited we stand: RVF says ‘No’, Sefton Council says ‘No’, Local MPs say ‘No’!
Following Sefton Council’s declaration to join us in publicly opposing the road to be ploughed through Rimrose Valley, a subgroup from the RVF campaign team again met with our local councillors and MPs last month. The Campaign to Protect Rural England also joined us to show their continued support and to offer their knowledge and experience.…
Read MoreWhy not tell Highways England what YOU think?
It seems that sometimes, Highways England just can’t help themselves. What if we told you that, at a recent annual New Civil Engineer Tunnelling Awards 2017 (I know, you couldn’t make it up, could you?) Tim Jones from Highways England waxed lyrical on how “Communities have an increasingly powerful voice, particularly in key areas such…
Read MoreCOMMENT: Arrogance of Highways England’s statement is an insult to the communities they want to destroy.
As the dust begins to settle on the recent developments surrounding the plans to build a road through Rimrose Valley, we wanted to share our view on these and bring you up-to-date on our recent work. As far as Christmas presents go, Highways England’s press release on 21st December, 2017 was something Scrooge himself would have…
Read MoreA New Year and a Renewed Resolve to Save Rimrose Valley
Christmas for thousands of residents who rely on Rimrose Valley for their essential green space and fresh air was spoiled by Highways England last week as they used the festive season to repeat their mean spirited and antagonistic position that a tunnel option has been dismissed and will not be reconsidered. Their recent press release…
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