Why not tell Highways England what YOU think?

It seems that sometimes, Highways England just can’t help themselves.  What if we told you that, at a recent annual New Civil Engineer Tunnelling Awards 2017 (I know, you couldn’t make it up, could you?) Tim Jones from Highways England waxed lyrical on how “Communities have an increasingly powerful voice, particularly in key areas such…

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A New Year and a Renewed Resolve to Save Rimrose Valley

Christmas for thousands of residents who rely on Rimrose Valley for their essential green space and fresh air was spoiled by Highways England last week as they used the festive season to repeat their mean spirited and antagonistic position that a tunnel option has been dismissed and will not be reconsidered.  Their recent press release…

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Your Money is in Safe Hands – Fundraising Update

Donations to our cause continue to come in and the level of support we are receiving from the community is incredible.  It demonstrates to us just how much people cherish Rimrose Valley – enough to part with their hard-earned money to help to protect it!  Why are donations important?  You will be aware from previous updates…

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Raising our profile in the community

We have two main objectives to our campaign.  The first is to change the minds of those in power at Westminster and get them to reverse the decision to build the road through Rimrose Valley.  The second is to bring the community together and to raise awareness of what a wonderful place and resource Rimrose…

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Walks around Rimrose Valley

We are pleased to announce that 2018 will see the introduction of a number of regular walks led by Sefton Council’s Park Rangers – the experts in the flora and fauna of Rimrose Valley.  We’ll share more details on these as soon as they have been finalised. In the meantime, you may have noticed that…

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The Campaign to Protect Rural England pledge their support

In further steps to raise national awareness of our campaign, Chair of Rimrose Valley Friends, Si Smith, was recently invited to meet Crispin Truman OBE, the CEO of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) and Nick Thompson, the Chair of Lancashire CPRE.  CPRE are another useful contact as they meet with Westminster politicians regularly on important,…

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Letter to Peel Ports

We have written to Peel Ports, requesting a meeting with them in order to explore whether there is any possibility of gaining their support to pursue an alternative solution to the road through Rimrose Valley. We are acutely aware that this is a sensitive issue and that this may be viewed as a controversial step,…

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MPs publicly opposed to road through Rimrose Valley

As you may have seen on his social media accounts last week and in the local press, Bill Esterson MP has joined Peter Dowd MP in publicly supporting our calls for an alternative solution to the proposed road through Rimrose Valley.  This is a welcome and significant development.  This is because Mr Esterson is also…

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Media Engagement

We’ve put together a panel of speakers who will be available for radio and TV interviews when needed.  There will be some basic training provided so that each one knows what to do and say, and we’re in the early stages of engaging with a marketing and PR company to help us with our communications and to get…

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