Get involved


We welcome anyone and everyone who is willing to help us grow our work and to have as big an impact as possible!

Volunteering opportunities range from things like litter picks and basic maintenance via our “60 Minute Heroes” initiative, to marshalling our activities, or even manning an RVF stall at local events.

So, if you’re willing to help and want us to save your details, we’d love to hear from you so please get in touch here.

LUSH RVF Kate Cath


Our brand new membership scheme is now open!
You can help support the place you love by becoming a member.

Click here to find out more and join today.


Help us to grow our work!
Our charity has BIG plans and we want to do much, much more.

We fundraise, we apply for grants and we are always on the look out for innovative, new ways of generating income to help us deliver more activities and projects on Rimrose Valley.

It would be fantastic if you can please help us by donating whatever you can afford.

We promise that every penny will be spent wisely and if you can afford to make a monthly donation, that would be amazing! The commitment of a regular amount means we can really plan and put your money to work where it matters most.

The Donate button takes you to our Local Giving page.
Here, you can make either a one-off or a recurring donation.

And don’t forget, if you’re eligible to claim Gift Aid, please tick the box, as this means your money will go even further.

Thank you for your support.

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Whenever we share news, or details of upcoming events and activities, you’ll be the first to know.

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