Letter to Peel Ports

Ryan Parker
Dec 15, 2017

FB-PEEL PORTSWe have written to Peel Ports, requesting a meeting with them in order to explore whether there is any possibility of gaining their support to pursue an alternative solution to the road through Rimrose Valley.

We are acutely aware that this is a sensitive issue and that this may be viewed as a controversial step, given that many within our community view Peel Ports as being responsible for the construction of the road in the first place.  In turn, Peel Ports point to the fact that the decision to build the road was made by Highways England, on behalf of the UK Government.

So, why write to them requesting a meeting?  Well, it is clear that they have a huge interest in this road going ahead, as they will benefit from it the most.  They regularly champion the amount of jobs and investment they bring to the local economy.  We therefore feel that, if Peel Ports genuinely care about the community and environment within which they operate, they should demonstrate this by accepting a meeting with our group and listen to what we have to say about the destruction of our cherished, green space.  We will let you know soon as we have an update to share on this.

For transparency, you can read our letter here: Letter to Peel

What you can do now:

  1. Sign our petition
  2. Sign up as a Rimrose Valley Friend
  3. Donate to our campaign to stop the road