Rimrose Valley Friends meets the Port Access Road Feasibility Team

Ryan Parker
Aug 17, 2015

Rimrose Valley Friends organisers have met with representatives from Highways England and Atkins, their consulting engineers. We were also joined by Sefton Council’s Coast and Countryside Service Manager and Transport Planning Team Manager. At the meeting we reviewed the current situation related to access to the Port of Liverpool, namely that a feasibility study is under way to review the options of Dunningsbridge Road and Rimrose Valley to accommodate a possible future road expansion program.

The Atkins consultants outlined their upcoming plans for ground investigation surveys within Rimrose Valley to analyse what lies beneath the ground. In September they will be drilling boreholes to further their analysis. Dates and locations are to be advised. They gave reassurances that the land will be left as they found it. Rimrose Valley Friends stated the risk of landfill rising to the surface and were reassured that high grade topsoil will be applied when done to eliminate the risk of contamination being left at the surface.

The Rimrose Valley Friends organisers talked about the importance of Rimrose Valley to the communities and asked for open communication at each stage of the process.

A spokesperson for Rimrose Valley Friends said “ We will continue to actively look for opportunities to build a defence for Rimrose Valley and will look to continue our engagement with the road team at any opportunity. We’re looking forward to receiving the dates and locations for the borehole surveys.”