Liverpool’s Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever!

Jul 31, 2024

Summary: To bring communities together in a creative and engaging way.

Funder(s): RVF fundraising

Date: July 2024

Details: In July 2024, we staged Liverpool’s very first “Most Wuthering Heights Day, Ever!”. Now part of a global movement, the events began life in Brighton as a way of marking Kate Bush’s birthday, before it was picked up by other countries and recreated in places as far afield as Australia! Together, almost 300 people gathered in sunshine and floaty red dresses and recreated the 1978 Kate Bush contemporary dance masterpiece. The event was a huge success attracting people from across the Liverpool City Region, and beyond. Attendees rehearsed in advance and were led by instructors from local dance schools on the day.  A DJ played music and we invited a number of local groups and crafters to set up stall at the event. The positive feedback from the event has pushed us to try and make this an annual event which we are currently exploring.

Watch our film here: