Summary: To create a day of activities in a comfortable environment for people to meet, share each other’s company and explore ways of improving their mental health, all connected to Rimrose Valley.
Funder(s): Mind
Date: February 2024
Delivery Partner: St Mark’s Church
Details: Time to Talk Day is the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. We used the funding we received to host a day of activities based out of a church next to Rimrose Valley. It was a ‘drop-in’ event, with no need to register in advance, removing any barriers to participation. Those who attended could choose from activities including a mindfulness walk on the park, soup-making, health-checks, demos on how to cook healthily on a budget, rock painting, talks and poetry. Funding also covered the cost of refreshments, a contribution to people’s travel expenses, and the choice of either a book on mindfulness techniques, or healthy cooking.